Akron 87 Acres ONLINE Auction

Akron 87 Acres ONLINE Auction

87 +/- Acres Sell in 2 Tracts and Combinations | Tiled & Connected

Tuscola County | Fairgrove Township | Akron, MI 

Tract 1: 57.6 +/- Acres ID# 010-003-000-0200-00

Tract 2: 29.5 +/- Acres ID#010-003-000-0400-00

Located: Just South of Akron on Merry, Ringle, & Dutcher Roads

ONILNE AUCTION - BIDDING AT www.rosegoldrealtyllc.com on the Auction Page

Sale Closing September 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM ET 

Call Rosegold Realty, LLC for details, pre-sale viewing and to register for this sale 

Joey Kreeger 989-912-0059

Garrett Deitering 989-912-5443

Trista Donovan 989-325-8915

Gary Bader 989-553-0236

Heidi Anderson 989-912-5858

Akron, Michigan
Ended on